Tuesday, September 05, 2006

New painting!

New painting today! A tiny one, only 4" by 6", but I had a lot of fun with it, and I think it turned out well.
I forget how happy I am when I'm painting, how utterly absorbing it is. It had been awhile, with the preparing to move, and then the moving, and now the preparing to move again. (I have essentially been in a state of moving since at least May. I have been living out of a suitcase for about two months now. It isn't fun, and I'm glad it will be over soon.) Then the movers declined to move my paints from Chicago to L.A., so I am now in the process of replacing over ten years worth of art supplies. Which is why it was so sweet when my darling Charlie took me to the art supply on Sunday and bought me a bag full of paints. I love that boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lov the pic
Glad to see your doing well in cali
Give charlie a big hug for me he is a nice boy
"And if you find one, send me a postcard of the california sun"